Planning Board Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2008
1196 Main Street Town Hall
Members Present: C. Stanovich, D. Lindberg, R. Ricker, C. Prager, O. Lies, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio
Others Present: Barbara Kohlstrom & Wendy O’Leary, Master Plan Committee, Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary
7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.
MASTER PLAN PRESENTATION: P. Harding reviewed the last meeting. Barbara Kohlstrom did an overview of the Master Plan. Wendy O’Leary reviewed the outreach process.
C. Stanovich: Asked P. Harding to outline what the Planning Board needs to do now. The views are from the Public, not the Master Plan Committee.
R. Ricker: Suggested to the Chairman that this is not a Public Hearing, but a meeting for the Boards comments and review. The Board should only take public comments related to the process. R. Ricker stated that he has reviewed that plan and realizes that this is just a plan, a guide for the future. It’s the implementation that is the important part. He applauded the Master Plan Committee for their hard work.
Bonofiglio: For the residents that contributed information, this is a masterpiece, and he commends the Board, agreeing that the implementation will be important.
C. Prager: Commended the Committee for their 2 years of hard work. This is really written by the citizens of Holden, and done differently than other towns.
W. Ritter: Stated that this is an unbelievable amount of work, and commended the Committee for an outstanding job.
O. Lies: Agrees with his colleagues, but has not been able to review the plan in detail. He is impressed by the executive summary, but has questions regarding the visions of the town. Joe Giotta stated that some things are concrete factual information and some are philosophical. In regards to Economic Development, O. Lies would like to discuss it further at another time.
M. Wronski addressed the Board regarding the Implementation Committee, which will be decided with the Town Manager. O. Lies said that CPA funding is going down. R. Ricker stated that this is a 20 year plan, and should not be micro-managed for each point at this time.
C. Stanovich: Outstanding plan, complemented the Committee.
A. Bonofiglio: Thought the Board was to review the plan, comment, and ask questions, not make changes.
R. Ricker: Stated that the time has come to accept the Master Plan. The main point is in the implementation process.
J. Giotta suggested a written request with Board questions, so the Committee will know which element leaders should attend the meetings.
W. Ritter: Has not finished reviewing. Recommendations should be put on the agenda at another meeting.
R. Ricker: Requested that if P. Harding receives any questions, to cc all the Board members.
W. Ritter motioned to continue the item to the July 15, 2008 Planning Board Meeting, at this meeting he is expecting to take a vote on the plan. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
SITE PLAN SPECIAL PERMIT, 411 North Street: C. Stanovich read the Public Hearing notice into record. This is the Site Plan Special Permit related to the ANR that resulted in a common driveway at the horse farm on North Street. Andrew Liston, Thomas Liston Associates, addressed the Board stating that their intent is to keep the site the same.
R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. W. Ritter seconded. All in Favor. R. Ricker moved to approve with the ‘Draft of Conditions’, read into record, adding ‘prior to recording at the registry of deeds’. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor, approved.
DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION AMENDMENT, Stoney Brook Estates, C.B. Blair Builders: C. Stanovich read the Public Hearing notice into record. This was previously approved per a court order. George Kiritsy explained that additional property was acquired at 290 Reservoir Street to avoid a stream crossing. Other than a realignment of one roadway, and design changes to the detention ponds, as required by the Conservation Commission, no other amendments have occurred.
The Conservation Commission has reviewed and approved the revised plans. During the Commission’s review process a third party review by Graves Engineering and EcoTech was required. The plans meet all Subdivision Regulation requirements. The amendment has resulted in an improved project.
W. Ritter asked how many additional lots were created, and was told 3 new lots. All reconfigured lots comply with zoning.
C. Prager asked how deep are the detention basins. No more than 5 feet.
Mike Grasseschi, 330 Reservoir St: Wants the road to be properly salted.
R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. C. Prager seconded. All in favor.
R. Ricker asked C. Blair for a time frame. Blair said all permits are in place and he hopes to start next Spring.
W. Ritter motioned for a 36 month approval, per the court case, with conditions read into record. R. Ricker motioned to amend to include a vegetation barrier in lieu of fencing around the detention ponds. C. Prager seconded to amend the motion. All in favor, approved.
VILLAGE AT WESTMINSTER: A poor job was done on the loaming and seeding, some did not take, and was redone late Summer. The applicant is asking for a bond reduction. J. Zingarelli, DPW, has stated in a letter dated June 5, 2008, that the bond can be reduced to $21,532.74 for Newell Road improvements.
P. Harding informed the Board that there is a separate bond for the interior. Previously the Board took no action on bond reduction. R. Ricker motioned per DPW’s request, to reduce the bond to $21,532.74. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor, approved.
BOND REDUCTION ALDEN WOODS II: Jim Zingarelli, Town Engineer, has recommended reducing the bond amount to $243,384.18. Town Counsel is reviewing the Subdivision Control Agreement. R. Ricker motioned to reduce the bond to $243,384.18. A. Bonofiglio seconded. C. Prager questioned whether the inspection fees were paid. P. Harding will hold the bond until the invoice is checked for payment. All in favor, approved.
Main Street/Newell Road: The applicant, Neil Sullivan, is asking to relocating a lot line to accommodate for a driveway in an R-10 Zoning District. This ANR is entitled to endorsement. W. Ritter motioned to approve. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor, approved.
530 Salisbury Street: The applicant, Alan & Merryl Havens, are creating one lot in a R-40 Zoning District. They have the required frontage and area. This ANR is entitled to endorsement. W. Ritter motioned to approve. C. Prager seconded. R. Ricker asked for a notation clarifying the lots. All in favor, approved.
370 Manning Street: The applicants, Preston/Fischer, are requesting transferring property of abutters, in an R-40 Zoning District. No new lots are being created. This ANR is entitled to endorsement. W. Ritter motioned to approve. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor, approved.
April 22, 2008: R. Ricker motioned to approve. D. Lindberg seconded. C. Stanovich abstained from the vote. O. Lies changed “State” to “the Dept. of Agriculture” in the model windmill by-law. A. Bonofiglio motion to approve with the change. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor, approved.
May 13, 2008: C. Prager motioned to approve. R. Ricker seconded for discussion & approve with the change adding ‘subject to’ in the ANR for 411 & 429 North St. C. Stanovich & A. Bonofiglio abstained from the vote. All in favor, approved.
Holden Hills: Will be on the agenda for the July 15th meeting. They are asking to waive the affordable housing by law for 5 units.
NEXT MEETING: July 15, 2008 ,7:30 pm at the Senior Center
R. Ricker motioned to adjourn. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 9:30 PM.
June 24, 2008, minutes approved: September 9, 2008
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary